The Genuineness of Adam Boy and Clairee

Young love can still be real love.

I went to the beach at Sandy Pines with Adam and Claire yesterday. The sun was hot and bright. The sand burned our feet as we walked to find the perfect spot to sit. We laid out our towels, kicked off our flip flops and ran into the water. It cooled our burning feet and skin instantly. We laughed and joked. I called Adam a pussy for not running into the water and going under right away. He called me a crazy old lady and told me to shut the fuck up. Claire and I just laughed at him. She has an incredibly funny, sweet laugh. I think it starts all the way in her toes. I finally splashed Adam. Soaked him really. He thought Claire did it, so he splashed her. She went on the attack. I laughed like a crazy hyena. It was fun to watch them splash each other and try to dunk one another. I can tell by the way they tease each other how much they love.

There’s something so genuine about their interactions with one another. I love to watch them. Even when they’re angry at each other. I love the dynamics of their relationship. Well, what they let us see of their relationship. I’m glad that Rog and I always encouraged our children to have boyfriends and girlfriends. It’s important to learn to live and be with someone else. I tell them not to have power over another person. To possess someone. Possession is not love. It is sick and twisted. No one should try to possess another. That is NOT love. Watch out for the extreme power of the pussy or the dick. You must be powerful on your own first and foremost. Do not let anyone control you. And you are not to control anyone. That is not love. Love is a partnership, a trust, a need to make each other better by loving.

I’m happy to see Adam Boy and Clairee here at the Pines. They brought my new grand dog, Baxter. He’s a beautiful black lab pup. He’s so shiny; happy. He’s the color of midnight sky. And sweet. OMG is he sweet. They are such loving pet parents. It makes my heart melt to see them take care of their furry bundle of joy. I know that if it is in their future to have children, they will be good parents. We’ve already discussed the possibility of marriage with them. It’s not what they want. That’s okay with us. We just want them to be happy and in love. And they are. I sure hope that even with our recent struggles, that Roger Darling and I have been good teachers. I really do.