Friday Fictioneers-Destiny


At a stop-light at the four corners of her hometown, the middle-aged woman sees the young girl in a tutu. It’s time for Senior Pictures and the photographer has her standing in the middle of Main Street. She’s all of 17 and has the future at her point shoes it seems.

The middle-aged woman tries not to be jealous of the dancer’s youth and future. What would she change if she could? Her husband, kids, or job.

As she hurriedly snaps a photograph with her iPhone, she decides she wouldn’t change a thing. The life she has, it was her destiny.

Thank you Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers. Please be sure to go to her page and read the stories from other writers. We are a rather eclectic group. I welcome kudos and criticism. Bring it on!

***My writing sucks ass lately. The journal entries are getting better, but my fiction is lacking. It sounds better in my head. When I write it out it appears that a monkey has written it instead of the romantic soul that is me. I know my muse will come back. I wish she/he would so I could beat the shit out of them with a stick!***

Have a great weekend sweethearts.


45 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers-Destiny

  1. Great photo – not the self-timer with you standing there I hope!…………If you feel dissatisfied that’s the best thing that could happen, cause it shows you can be objective and analyse,and you can recognise quality. Try different tricks – write in the first person or as a man for a while.

    • Honey, I took the photo with my iPhone while waiting for the light to change from red to green. I practically had a panic attack because I thought I was going to miss the shot. 🙂

      I haven’t had time to write. Life has been a little insane lately. The stories that I want to write are sad. Of course when the tears fall as you type, you know the story is going to be good, right?

      Love, Renee

  2. When you get done with that stick, pass it over to me, will ya? I know another muse that needs a good pounding.
    I thought the story did a good job of capturing the momentary animosity many of us “middle-age folks” feel toward those who are enjoying the bliss of youth. Their day will come–if they live long enough.

    • Yes, their day will come. I do hope they look back with great fondness at the life they’ve lived. I really do.

      BTW I’ll be happy to share my muse stick with you. Sounds like yours could use a good beating too. 😉

  3. Writer’s block or not feeling inspired really sucks the monkey’s crooked member, darling. I can only suggest what seems to have worked for me (I have just given myself a jumpstart, it seems, and this is how I did it.). I was trying to write a certain thing, and it just wasn’t coming at all, and so I gave myself permission to walk away from that and try something completely new (and admittedly outside of my comfort zone) and not only has that been fun, but it’s sparked my desire to write the other thing, too (I’ve written more in the last two days than I have in two weeks.
    So, my advice — try something outrageous — try to write something completely different — something that will stretch your muscles. It may end up being a total flop, and by all means, if you hate it, you certainly don’t have to share it here. But you might find it gets your mind off of obsessing about your “serious” writing.
    Good luck, darling — I look forward to seeing your return when it happens!

  4. 45 and ridiculous–love it! You may not be happy with your story, but it says a lot about a woman who lives with no regrets.

  5. Hi Renee,
    Thanks for providing an interesting photo of your hometown, which led me to go learn more about Tecumseh, Michigan. More? To learn something when I knew nothing before. Your story sounds very autobiographical and at the same time I think many of us can identify with these reappraisals of our lives. What would we do differently, if we could? Sounds like you’re pretty content with yours. Regarding your comment about how the writing flow isn’t happening for you. Can’t speak for all writers, but I find my writing jones to be fickle, cyclical, off and on, mischievous, mercurial, but it always comes back and I’ll suddenly find myself cranking out something that pleases me. So hang in, the muse will come back from summer vacation! Ron

    • Hi Ron,

      I’m glad you liked the photo. I took it with my iPhone. At a red light. 🙂

      My muses will return. I can’t wait. Till then, I’ll read and work on myself.

      Love, Renee

  6. I think you are mistaking the distinct sound of other feelings oozing from your fiction instead of lack of talent or muse. This particular story summed up the idea that we all should enjoy and not wish to change our history for something we think might be better. I have finally come to realize this.
    I enjoyed reading it.

  7. I love that your character is happy with who she was and is. Many are not, and that is sad. Don’t be so critical of yourself, your writing this week told a truth that we should all know.

  8. Dear Renee,

    A lovely picture that caused me to dig deep into history. Thank you for sharing it. To tell the truth I came very close to lifting it from Facebook when you posted it there and asking later. 😉
    As for your writing, I think you’re way too hard on yourself. Methinks your story is about someone up close and personal. An honest, soul searching piece with an insightful conclusion. Not everyone could end it there–with resolute contentment.



    • Dear Rochelle,

      My husband Roger was the one that suggested I send it to you. I’m so glad I did. I sometimes see the strangest things in my little part of the world. Any time you want to lift a picture of mine in the future you are more than welcome to. What’s mine is most assuredly is yours.

      I am very tough on myself when it comes to writing. I have no idea what I’m doing. The last English class I took was in 9th grade. That was many, many years ago. What words come out of me are completely raw. I don’t know where they come from, and when they stop it nearly kills me. It is the worst emotional let down I have ever felt in my life….

      This story has not concluded yet. We’ll have to see where it goes….

      Love, Renee

      • Dear Renee,

        Stop beating yourself up for lack of education. That has very little to do with talent or calling. You can always learn the finer points of grammar. (That’s why there are editors ;))

        I was told by a high school guidance counselor my junior year that I should go to trade school or get married. I wasn’t college material. I translated that to “You’re a dummy.” It took years for me to let that go and believe in myself.

        Keep writing, Girlfriend.



      • Dear Rochelle,

        Thanks for the vote of confidence and boost to my self esteem. I’ll keep writing as long as you promise to keep critiquing my work.

        Shalom back at ya, Girlfriend.

        I love ya,


  9. wonderful story about contentment. i love the honesty in this piece. and thank you for the photo. 🙂 your writing definitely does NOT suck. i think when you feel that way, it only means one thing, that you’re getting better and your own standards are going higher. don’t worry, if that muse does show up, i’m sure you’ll beat the crap out of him/her 😉

  10. Thanks for the photo Renee it has provided us with a variety of amazing responses. I couldn’t help but see the irony in your last line about accepting the life you have and your rider about your perceived lack of creativity. Anyway I enjoyed your story.

    • Thanks doll, I’m glad you liked the photo and the story. I’m hoping to write better stories soon. We’ll see. Can’t wait to read all of the entries for last week. I’ll get to them very soon.

  11. Dear Renee,

    I know these emotions well and let me tell you that your story brought tears to my eyes. Your maundering after the fact notwithstanding, I thought this a touching, wistful, and thought provoking piece. You should be very proud of it.

    Do not despair overlong.

    Keep at it and then keep at it some more.

    Serious, Renee, tears. (Even though I cry easily, this is the best compliment I can give.)

    Thanks for the great picture. I can’t tell you the fun I had researching Tecumseh, Michigan. Lovely place. Lovely story.



    • Dear Doug,

      You said I spoke in foolish way after I wrote my story. 🙂 No worries, it’s not the first or last time I’ll be told that I’m sure.

      I’m happy that the story stirred you emotionally. I’ve been told a time or two that my prose can do that. It’s what I hope for when someone reads my work. A good writer better be able to emote. As I recall from reading your work, I’ve been moved a time or two myself.

      I hope you enjoyed learning about Tecumseh. It is a groovy little part of the world. It was a terrific place to raise my kids….

      Love, Renee

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  13. Your writing doesn’t suck. Maybe you don’t feel it’s your usual brilliance but it could be you are going through a time on introspection and growth. Your writing will reflect that. Keep plugging away. It may be that you are changing. Change is good. I’m confident you will come out on the other side; brilliant.

    • Thanks love. My muse will come back to me, all in good time. Hope you’re doing well. Can’t wait to read your story and all the others. Will get to it tonight and tomorrow.


  14. If writing sucks or not there are several judges to… I almost felt like you captured your own thoughts when taking the picture (which is not bad at all). But I’ve had several weeks when I thought my poetry or fiction sucks, and always there are some poeple that like it… Only one cure…. keep on writing… (and I bailed out on your excellent pic too).

    • No worries on bailing out my dear. I did the last couple of weeks. I just couldn’t come up with a damn thing. I thought I saw a poem you’d written to my photo though…..

      I’m not pleased with my stories of late. When I have more time to write, read and edit, they will get better.

      Hope all is well in your little corner of the world….

  15. Dear Renee
    Thank you for the very interesting photo of your home town. Not having heard of it I Googled it (like lots of others I guess) and was fascinated by the history of Tecumseh.

    I enjoyed your story, it was true to life and told straight from the hip. There is nothing wrong with your writing, we all get periods when our ‘muse’ seems to have taken a hike, or we are over critical of our work and throw it out, or press the backspace button until all the letters disappear…
    A friend once gave me two quotes

    “There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it’s like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.”
    ― Ernest Hemingway
    “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart”
    – William Wordsworth

    I love them both.

    Sending a hug

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